Catalogue Stûv 30
All Stûv fires are designed to burn wood with a humidity level of less than 20 %. All Stûv fires were tested according to EN 13240 CE and EN 13229. Complies with standards : Stûv 30, Stûv 30-H, Stûv 30-in : BImSchV 1 & 2(DE), LRV (CH), DIN+ (EU), BE Phase 1, 2 & 3 (BE), Art. 15A B-VG (AT), VKF (CH) Stûv 30-up : BImSchV 1 & 2 (DE), LRV (CH), DIN+ (EU), BE Phase 1 & 2 (BE), Art. 15A B-VG (DE), defra (UK), VKF (CH), The Nordic Swan W A R R A N T Y * * * * * * * * 38 The constant search for improvement… Stûv invests enormously in researchanddevelopment in both its own laboratory and thanks to its partnerships with specialists in the field of combustion. Each detail is important in optimising the performance of the stove. Stûv devices meet the most stringent standards in terms of respect for the environment. We give priority to ergonomy and simplicity at all stages - installation, use, maintenance - so that every user can use their Stûv exactly how they want it. This is the reason we provide detailed installation instructions, we select our sales network and organise training sessions for our retail and installations partners. The Stûv guarantee + Stûv fires are renowned for their design and performance. They are also solid, reliable and durable. + The fires and their components are made in Europe with the utmost care. A well-main- tained Stûv fire is for life. + This is why Stûv offers the users of its products an extended guarantee. Three years’ guarantee in addition to the legal guarantee. + In total, 5 years on the body of the fire, 3 years on the electrical components and 3 years on the other components. What do you need to do to benefit from this extended guarantee? Complete the guarantee form that you will find at the end of the user manual and return the hard copy to Stûv or - the easier option - complete the online form at .
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